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Operating System And Properties

Operating system:-

An operating system is an important components of computer system which controls all other components of the computer system. Major components of a Computer System are-
1.     The Hardware
2.     The Operating System
3.     The application Program Routine (e.g compiler, linkers, database management system, utility programs)
4.     The Human-ware (users)

Definition of Operating system-
An Operating system is a program, which acts as an interface between a user and all hardware (all computer resources)

System Components
where hardware provide the basic computing resources, the application program routines defines the ways in which these resources are used to solve the computing problem of the users and the Operating System controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various application program for the various users.

Roles of Operating System-
The Operating system provides the certain services to program and the users of the program. Some common services provided by OS can be listed as follow-
1.     Program Execution
2.     Handling Input/Output Operation
3.     Manipulation of file system
4.     Error detection and handling 
5.     Resource allocation
6.     Accounting
7.     Information and Resources Protection

1. Program Execution- 
The Operating System is responsible for executing various programs whether users programs or system program i.e, special programs required for matching functioning.

2. Handling Input/Output Operation- 
The Operating System is responsible for handling various types of  inputs (e.g, input from from keyboards, inputs from mouse etc.) and various types of outputs in the appropriate manner.
For instance, if the input is coming from mouse, then it requires different type of handling as compared to input coming from keyboard. Similarly, if an output is targeted for printer, then it requires different type of handling as compared to output targeted for monitor.

3. Manipulation of File System-
This task involves the making of decisions regarding the storage of files i.e, where (whether on floppy disk or on hard disk etc.) and how a particular file is to be stored.

4. Errors Detection and Handling-
The Operating system is also responsible for detecting any types of error that occurs and then properly handling it.

5.Resource Allocation-
This task aims at proper use of  resources available. For example, if multiples files are to be printed then "how and which order this task will take place?" Will be decided by the operating system..

The operating system keeps an account of what type of functioning is taking place and what type of
errors have occurred.

7.Information and Resource Protection-
The operating system is responsible  for ensuring that the information and resources available on machine are used in the correct  way. The operating system foils the attempts to use them incorrectly.

All these services are ensured by the functions provided by an operating system. The functions offered by different operating systems differ from one operating system to another, but more or less they provide the same services. These OS (Operating System) functions are offered for the convenience of the programmer, to make the programming  task easier.

An operating system has two parts : Kernel and Shell. The kernel is responsible for interacting with hardware and the Shell is responsible for interacting with user. The Shell acts as the command interpreter which takes the command from the user, interprets  them and take action accordingly.

GUI ( Graphical User Interface) based operating systems has Shells that offer graphical elements for interaction .